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Volunteer With Northwest Neighbors Network

Share Your Heart
Volunteers of all ages are the heart and soul of Northwest Neighbors Network (NNN), providing skills and energy needed in each community to help members age in place as long as possible.

The opportunities for both adults and children (with adult supervision) to volunteer are endless. Thoughtfully consider how your interests and knowledge could benefit others, and let us know what you would like to do. Your ideas for activities and useful assistance could interest, and even excite, members of our village--things we hadn't considered yet! Along with your creativity, there always is need for people willing to respond to our frequent requests. 

Picture of a dog riding in a car

Interested in providing transportation • running errands • grocery shopping • becoming a walking partner • doing meal prep • repairing things around the house • weeding • doing light house-keeping • helping with computers, phones, electronics •  directing fitness activities • organizing events?  These opportunities await you!
Two people walking

Protect Your Time
Many of us have been looking for a chance to volunteer, but have not wanted to get tied down to schedules and or be over committed. Volunteering with NNN is ideal for us! We can be a resource with options. On days when driving someone to a doctors appointment is doable, we can say "yes" to the request for our services. When we want to take a vacation or have a busy schedule or just feel like lazing around, we can be "unavailable.

No Time Like the Present
Running a village takes extra commitment from many people. Please consider joining us to make Northwest Neighbors Network a viable, sustainable entity.  
  • Recruit volunteers, potential members and vendors
  • Provide administrative support (phoning, emails, clerical)
  • Plan social events
  • Maintain the website and social media
  • Design our newsletter
  • Research and apply for grants
  • Help with fundraising

If you would like to know more, please get in touch and let's talk!