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Join Us as a Volunteer

Mel and Margaret

Share Your Heart with a Neighbor in Need

Volunteers of all ages are the heart and soul of Northwest Neighbors Network (NNN), providing skills and energy needed in each community to help members age in place as long as possible.

Northwest Neighbors Network (NNN) Volunteers are simply Good Neighbors, who help however they can. As a nonprofit dedicated to helping our community age well in their own homes, our team of volunteers lives this rally cry of being Good Neighbors every day. Without a community helping and watching out for each other, it’s easy to slip into a narrow view and feel isolated, and forget what it feels like to have a neighbor reach out and help another neighbor. 


The opportunities to volunteer are endless:

We often take for granted our mobility and ability to easily enjoy the things we love most in life. Many seniors are lonely in part due to the barriers they face in getting out, meeting people or sharing a nice conversation. Help us change that in our neighborhoods.

Key Services Requested by Neighbors:

Providing transportation • running errands • grocery shopping • becoming a walking partnersocial visitingrepairing things around the house • gardening/winterizing • doing light house-keeping • helping with technology support•  leading social activities • organizing events  


If providing Services like any of these is right up your alley, please contact or call 253-237-2848 to learn more about the Flexible Volunteer experience or to apply!

Suzy Tom with Signs

Apply NOW!
If you are ready to go and want to get a head start on the process, 

Application Form

Have Other Ideas?

Thoughtfully consider how your interests and knowledge could benefit others, and let us know what you would like to do. Your ideas for activities and useful assistance could interest, and even excite, members of our village--things we hadn't considered yet! Along with your creativity, there always is a need for people willing to respond to our frequent requests. 

We especially have needs in areas like: Fundraising, Communications, Website, Service Coordination, Social Event Leads, Member Outreach, and Committee or Board opportunities. 

Students: We offer Service Learning opportunities

Businesses and corporations: We offer a Team-Volunteering model 



Protect Your Time & Boundaries

Many of us have been looking for a chance to volunteer, but have not wanted to get tied down to schedules and or be over committed. Volunteering with NNN is ideal for us! We can be a resource with options. When we want to take a vacation or have a busy schedule or just feel like lazing around, we can be "unavailable."

NNN is proud to offer a Flexible Self Signup Platform, where volunteers can login and see a full list of categorized Services to choose from. You may sign up for a Requested Service anytime that one works with your time and interests. 

If you prefer that NNN contacts you with services that match your interests and availability, that is easily accommodated as well.

NNN continues to serve our members and help them age well in their own homes. We follow the latest CDC guidelines to keep our members and volunteers safe.  

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